Hiking in Salzburg, Austria

This app shows the hiking trails for the Beautiful Austrian City, Salzburg.

Nockstein Mountain is a popular hiking destination in Salzburg, Austria. The trail is well-maintained and takes around 2 hours to complete. The hike offers breathtaking views of the Salzach River, the city of Salzburg, and the surrounding mountain ranges. At the summit, hikers can enjoy a panoramic view and a small restaurant.

To reach Nockstein Mountain from Salzburg, you can take bus number 28 or 840 from Salzburg city center to the village of Fürstenbrunn. From there, it's a short walk to the start of the hiking trail. Alternatively, you can drive to Fürstenbrunn and park your car at the parking lot near the start of the trail. The village of Fürstenbrunn is located about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) southeast of Salzburg, and the journey takes approximately 30 minutes by bus or car.

For public transport, you can check tickets here:

CDE logo

This web-app is a part of a thesis work done by Ravi Pandey, Under the guidance of Dr. Rostislav Netek and Dr. Hermann Klug.


This is a web application made at the UPOL, Czech and PLUS, Austria for visualizing hiking trails in the the Koppal area of Salzburg, and this is a part of an academic exercise. It is built on top of ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.


Data for the hiking trails was kindly provided by the PLUS, and collected by primary survey..

Basemaps and satellite image by ESRI

Font Awesome was used for the icons.

To acknowledge the inspiration for the web application design idea, credit goes to Raluca Nicola, Web Cartographer at Esri.